7 Suggestions for assigning tasks to your Team
7 Suggestions for assigning tasks to your Team
Your management style is flexible. Your leadership approach is determined by the task, the team’s or individual’s skills and knowledge, the time and resources available, the team members’ prior experience with similar projects, and the intended outcomes. The tell, sell, consult, join, and delegate leadership style approach was examined in a different article. This model offers a clear breakdown of the circumstances under which each type of leadership is most likely to be successful.
You decide every day as a manager, team leader, or supervisor what kind of leadership approach to use in each particular circumstance at work. To encourage team members to put up their best effort at work, you want to promote employee involvement and employee empowerment.
You can help your reporting staff members succeed when they are most empowered by using these advice for effective authority delegation. Additionally, you succeed when they do. Never lose sight of the interconnectedness of success at work.
Some Leadership Style Advice
Give the person a complete task to complete whenever possible when delegating work.
If you are unable to provide the employee a complete task, make sure they are aware of the overarching goal of the project or task of which their task is a part. Connect them, if you can, to the team overseeing or organizing the project. When staff employees are aware of the big picture, their contributions are most effective.
When workers feel that they are a part of something greater than themselves, they perform better.
The employee will feel as though they are a part of the entire project if you provide them the full and accurate image. They feel more significant in the grand scheme of things as a result. People who are aware of the objectives, standards, and desired results make better decisions regarding their work because they are aware of the context in which those decisions are being made.
Make certain the employee knows exactly what you want them to do.
Make sure that your directions are followed by asking questions, checking on the work that is being done, or having the employee provide you feedback. Nobody wants to act improperly or see their efforts and contributions go in vain. Therefore, make sure that you and the employee understand the goals and expected results for each assignment that you assign.
Share your image with the staff member if you have one of what a successful result or output will resemble.
The individual needs to be made right. If you give someone permission to complete a task, you don’t want them to think that any result will do unless you truly believe it. If you have a mental image of what you’re searching for, you should share it with your staff rather than leaving them to guess. (You might also want to consider whether your explicit picture is disempowering to the individual performing the activity if you do this frequently with staff.)
Decide on the project’s focal points or the deadlines for feedback on progress.
You get the feedback you require from the critical path without having to micromanage your direct report or team. You require confirmation that the assigned task or project is proceeding as planned. Additionally, you must have the chance to shape the course of the project and the choices made by the group or person. Your staff will be less likely to feel micromanaged or as though you are looking over their shoulders at every turn if this crucial path is designated from the start.
Choose the metrics or results you’ll rely on to judge if the project was successful.
Employees will be more successful if you decide how to measure the results and share this with them. As a result, performance development planning will become more objective and measurable. It benefits both parties.
Determine in advance how you will acknowledge and reward the employee for successfully completing the task or project that you assigned them.
The acknowledgement strengthens the worker’s positive self-perception, sense of accomplishment, and conviction that he or she is a significant contributor.
Using Delegation as a Leadership Style: Caution

Employees who receive additional work to complete that is similar to what they currently have to perform may perceive delegation as dumping. When employees express a strong desire for more challenging work and take on bigger responsibilities, they sometimes grumble that their managers only give them more work to accomplish. Delegated jobs must be more challenging for employees. For instance, it was demanding, thrilling, and responsible to participate in meetings where they helped shape the course of a new product.
However, because they don’t think the management knows the difference, employees spend the majority of their time performing menial, repetitive tasks. Employees’ capacity to take on greater responsibility and fulfill their commitments to their families is hampered by the workload, which forces them to work long hours and weekends. It gradually causes resentment. Uninteresting chores must be accomplished in every occupation, it’s true. Some people dislike billing clients while others dislike filing. Additionally, some individuals dislike running the dishwasher or doing the laundry. As a result, the manager must carefully strike a balance between delegating more work and delegating work that requires more authority, responsibility, and difficulty.