
Build the perfect team you want

Build the perfect team you want Why teamwork You may be the finest in your field. However, if you don’t know how to assemble an outstanding team around you, that won’t matter in the long run. Your startup might offer exactly what the community needs, but if your team members can’t get along, it won’t…


7 Suggestions for assigning tasks to your Team

7 Suggestions for assigning tasks to your Team Your management style is flexible. Your leadership approach is determined by the task, the team’s or individual’s skills and knowledge, the time and resources available, the team members’ prior experience with similar projects, and the intended outcomes. The tell, sell, consult, join, and delegate leadership style approach…


5 Successful Leadership Qualities 

5 Successful Leadership Qualities  Are Leaders Created or Born? The phrase “born leadership” has probably been used before. You are either born with the abilities to be a leader or you are not, according to the idiom, which suggests that good leadership traits are natural. And it’s true that some qualities, like charisma, humility, and…